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Negligent Security in Philadelphia

Earlier this year, a Philadelphia office building in Center City became the center of a $6 million negligent security lawsuit after a woman was brutally robbed and sexually assaulted on the premises. The attacker was able to slip past the front desk security guard unnoticed and roam the building freely. He eventually reached the top of the nine-story building, where he entered an office on the eighth floor and assaulted the victim. New Jersey law enforcement apprehended the attacker a few days later, and he was convicted on multiple criminal charges. The victim pursued a civil lawsuit against the building’s landlord for negligent security, which led to a substantial settlement.

What Responsibilities Do Business Owners Have Regarding Patron Safety?

This case is an example of negligent security, a form of premises liability. Under premises liability law, property owners have a legal duty to maintain reasonably safe conditions for people lawfully on their premises. But when it comes to criminal acts by third parties, owners are not automatically responsible. For a negligent security claim to succeed, the victim must prove that the property owner failed to take reasonable precautions to protect against foreseeable criminal activity.

What constitutes “reasonable” security depends on the type of property. For example, nightclub owners are expected to hire bouncers and additional security due to the large number of patrons and the late-night environment, often involving alcohol. In contrast, an office building owner might only need minimal security during non-business hours. However, if security personnel fail to perform their duties or are poorly trained, as alleged in the Center City case, it can form the basis of a negligent security claim.

Additionally, the lack of essential security measures such as cameras, proper lighting, or fencing in high-risk areas can also be considered negligence. For example, if an attack occurs in a poorly lit parking lot of a shopping mall, the property owner may be held responsible for failing to install adequate lighting or other basic safety measures.

Contact a Philadelphia Negligent Security Lawyer Today

Negligent security cases can be complex, requiring careful investigation and legal expertise to prove. If you or a loved one has been harmed due to negligent security, our Philadelphia negligent security lawyers are here to help. We can assess your case and guide you through the legal process. Contact our offices in Philadelphia or New Jersey today for a free consultation.